The Community Town Meeting took place on Saturday Feb 13, 2010 at the Pangman School Gym.
This was a joint meeting with the community and representatives from the Village of Pangman, RM of Norton and Economic Development Board. There were about 35 people in attendance.
The Deep South Personal Care Home Auxiliary provided chili, buns and delicious pies for lunch.
The meeting was chaired by Gene Kessler. It was an occasion for the group to hear of the happenings of the area as well as have an opportunity to voice our opinions and concerns as each individual sees them. A report was given on the Day Care (opening in September 2010), Charity Farms, the Community Kitchen (which is to be built onto the school), the Water Treatment Plant, Paving of Main Street in Pangman, the Wind Farm, the Care Home, the Economic Development Board, the Website and more.
There are a number of planned projects for the upcoming year with the main one being the new water treatment plant. Wednesday, June 16th was suggested for the Cemetery Clean up and early part of June for the Campground Clean-up, near Bourassa’s. Also it was suggested that the Farmer’s Market be held from 9 to 12 this year.
If you can help out at any of the events held in the community, it would be greatly appreciated. Watch for posters at the post office or the town bulletin board for upcoming events.