Pangman is a village located in southern Saskatchewan, Canada about 90km south of Regina and 57km West of Weyburn and is located in the Rural Municipality of Norton No. 69.
Pangman is a full-service community with water, sewer, garbage pick-up, recycling pick-up, high-speed internet, cable tv, daycare, community kitchen, grocery store, gas station, restaurant, post office, bank, library, community center, K-12 school, and more.
Pangman has many activities during the year, including Pangman Days, Street Dance, Baseball Tournament, Pangman Market, Craft Sales and more.
Pangman celebrated its 100th birthday on August 12, 13 & 14, 2011. You can read all about the celebration in our blog and view pictures in the 100 Year Photo Gallery.
You can find more information about Pangman community groups, businesses, and events in News.
Visit our Facebook Page for more local news.