Tag: New Residents
Welcome New Residents – JoAnn Watson
On Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 at the Market Mall the Pangman and District Economic Development Board presented JoAnn Watson with a welcome basket. JoAnn moved to Pangman in November 2010…
Ladies Auxiliary Donates Shawls to Care Home!
On Wednesday, January 19th, 2011, the Ladies Auxiliary presented the Care Home with handmade shawls which they had made for some of the residents. The Ladies Auxiliary hopes that the…
Welcome New Residents – Kathy Bryson & Doug McCullough
On October 30th, 2010, at our final Farmers Market, Merlin Broughton of the Pangman and District Economic Development Board presented a Welcome Basket to Kathy Bryson and Doug McCullough. Kathy…
Welcome to New Residents – Dustin & Nicole Masuk
On Saturday, October 2nd, Eileen Tunall and Connie Lozinsky, members of the Economic Development Board presented a Welcome Basket to Dustin and Nicole Masuk. Dustin and Nicole moved to Pangman…
Welcome to New Residents – Gavin & Debbie Porter!
On Wednesday, July 7th, members of the Economic Development Board presented a Welcome Basket to Gavin and Debbie Porter. Gavin and Debbie immigrated from the United Kingdom 3 years ago…