Southern Prairie Rail hosted its inaugural run to Horizon, Saskatchewan (about 20 miles west of Ogema) on Thursday, May 10, 2012.
The train was booked by Tourism Saskatchewan with about 45 people coming out to ride the train. As well as Tourism Saskatchewan there were representatives from the Prairies North Magazine and a photographer that worked with Tourism Saskatchewan who took photos from afar as we were traveling. Also there was a representative from Coronach, Saskatchewan. As well Southern Prairie Rail invited our government people that are connected with the railway.
They had a pitchfork fondue at Ogema following the train trip and a round of presentations and responses from the Tourism Saskatchewan folks. They were very complementary about our car which has been completely refurbished to its 1922 state.
In retrospect it was an amazing day, our first train run and the culmination of 5 years of planning and work of restoration this winter.
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