Sylvia Fitzgerald, Minister of the Pangman United Church is hosting a Interdenominational Prayer Shawl Workshop at the Pangman Library every 4th Tuesday of the month. The next workshop will be on Tuesday, February 22nd.
Knit and crochet Prayer Shawl patterns are available, or you can find them on-line at Shawl Ministry. You can also quilt or embroider a shawl, but you will have to bring your own pattern.
For the crocheted shawl you will need about 740 yards of yarn and a size MN or P or larger crochet hook. For the knitted shawl you will need about 555 yards of yarn and a size 11 US or 13 US knitting needles.
For more information and a pattern, please contact Carol at the Pangman Library 442-2119.