On September 15, 2009 the Pangman.ca website was launched. This website was conceived by the Pangman & District Economic Develpment board as a way to promote Pangman.
Our first post on the website was Launch of the Village of Pangman Website. We have continued to write many posts about the activities in our Community, our Community Groups, Local News, Farmer’s Market, and more.
Since our website launched in September 2009 we have had 2,346 visits, of which 1,166 were Unique Visitors. There have been 12,915 page views, and the most viewed page with 686 views is our Photo Gallery.
We hope that our website will continue to be a source of information for our residents as well as those thinking of moving or visiting Pangman and area. This website would not have been possible without the support of our community and the sponsorship of many of our local businesses.
Thank you for visiting our site and we hope that you will come back and visit us again soon.