2009 has been a good year for our Tops group.
We had a new member join in January, so now we have 6 members.
In October we received a certificate for having a No Gain Year in 2008. Also, in October Loretta won a pin for walking over 500 miles in our 2008 contest walk 500 miles.
We have had a few months this year were we have had No Gain Months.
Each month we have a contest we run. In October we had a contest were if you lost weight or stayed the same, you could draw a letter to spell the phrase “Cut & Burn”. Ginny was the winner of this contest and Loretta came in second.
Our current contest is if you lost weight or stayed the same, you could draw a letter to spell the word “Gifts”.
On December 11th, at our regular meeting, we exchanged Christmas cards and Gifts.
Friday, December 18th will be our last meeting for 2009. We will meet again on Friday, January 8th, 2010. If you are thinking of joining a weight loss group in the new year, drop by and visit us on Friday mornings at 10 a.m. at the Pangman Library.