The first Pangman School Newsletter for October 2009 was sent out recently. You can read the entire Newsletter on the School Website.
Some highlights from the School Newsletter:
- Karen Schwindt has taken over the Administrative Assistant position when Kerrie Johnson accepted a new position at Ogema School.
- Connie Lozinsky has taken on the role of School Librarian and will be a great addition to the staff.
- Megan Hughes is here until December doing her internship.
- Senior girls volleyball has had a great start to the season. The team consists of seven girls from Pangman and five girls from Ogema, with Miss Hughes acting as coach and Mrs. Warren acting as manager. The team practices Wednesdays after school until 4:30 and Thursdays after school until 5:00 p.m.
- The Junior Boys Volleyball Team is made up of boys from Grades 5-9 this year.
- The SRC will be hosting Panther Pride Day once again on the first Friday of each month. Dress in yellow and black to show your school spirit and earn points for your team.
- Mark Penny is the school based counsellor who is assigned to Pangman School. He is scheduled to work with students at Pangman School on Fridays.
- New students: Anna, Margarita, Corny, Anna, Ava, Shayndel, Brandon, Cameron, Johny, Sean, Dayna and Kelsey .
- Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 18th. The students raised $1043.89 in pledges.
- Annual Open House on Monday, October 19th.
- The Grades One and Two class is once again walking to the Deep South Personal Care Home to read to the residents once a month. The students and residents both enjoy their time together. The next Care Home visit will be on October 14th.
- The Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two class enjoyed a wonderful camping themed story time at the Pangman Library on September 11th. Their next library visit will be on October 23rd.
- The Grades 1 – 12 students will attend a presentation of Peter Pan at the Globe Theatre on November 19th.
- The students will once again be selling QSP magazine subscriptions. The magazine fundraising campaign will be held in October this year in order to accommodate those who would like to order a subscription as a Christmas gift for someone. This was a very successful fundraiser for our school last year!
- The Little Munchkin Playschool group is meeting once again on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For more information please contact Robin Larson.
You can read the entire Newsletter on the School Website. Also, be sure to check the School Calendar on the School Website for other important dates.