The Pangman Genealogical Society Branch was formed on January 23, 1981 at the home of Kay Kessler with eight charter members. Meetings were held in the committee room of the Pangman Recreation Centre with some being held in Ceylon, Radville and Weyburn. In December 1987 the meetings were moved to the South East Regional Library building in Pangman. On October 21-22, 1983 the Pangman branch hosted the SGS sixteenth annual seminar in Weyburn. One of the highlights of the seminar was a genealogy drama with participants in historical costumes.
The Pangman Branch has also participated in the South East Saskatchewan Volunteer Recognition Program. Three of the Pangman branch members: Frances Sample, Edith Bernard and Joyce Catherwood have been recipients of that award. In April 1997 the Saskatchewan Genealogy Society gave out its first Heritage of the Year Award to Frances Sample.
Meetings continue at the Pangman Library on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm from April to December and on the 4th Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm from January to March.
The current Executive are:
- * President: Rocky Sample (Deceased)
- * Vice-President: Carol Peterson
- * Acting Secretary: Beverly Mead
- * Treasurer: Dorothy Snelling
Joyce Carlson is the SGS Board Representative.
- * $40.00 – regular family per year
- * $25.00 – regular student (up to age 22) per year
April is Family History Month. If you are interested in learning more about your family history you may wish to join the Pangman Genealogical Society Branch. For more information contact: Joyce Carlson at 454-2400 or visit the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society website .