Pangman EMS News 2014

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EMS Service Map

The wine glass outline on the above map is our actual designated coverage area with Truax & Lang at the top end and the USA Border to the South.  Our Western Border we share with Moose Jaw, Bengough and Coronach. Eastern has Weyburn and Radville.

Radville is frequently out of service so we then cover the yellow shaded area at the right side of the wine glass outline.

Our call volume as Ambulance varies between 150 to 200 calls per year. We are supported by Pangman Fire and Rescue throughout our area which usually is about 10 calls for them.

We are in the process of ordering our new ambulance.  It will be a 4-wheel drive with a price tag of about $140,000.00. Our community share of this will be about $80,000.00. Between last year’s fundraising and the proceeds from an estate, we have most of the needed funds in place.

However, the Rescue Vehicle needs to be replaced as it is unsafe to operate because weight of equipment carried is too heavy for the vehicle.

The Fire Department has about $20,000.00 available from the previous fundraising, but still needs about $30,000.00 to replace their van. They are the priority for our Pangman Emergency Services fundraising. We will be starting another Raffle quite soon and are trying to organize some other fundraising events. Your support will certainly go that direction.

Their only other source of funds is RM and Village grants.  We are trying to get the other 9 RM’s they serve as Rescue to provide some financial support. Their fees for service from SGI cover operating costs, but no replacement.

Our Pangman Ambulance staff are:

  • Keith House
  • Pam Rowland
  • Barry Kessler
  • Estella Strobl
  • Coralee West
  • Cindy Horner
  • Shawn Howse
  • Hayley Hatt

We would like to thank the community for their continued support of our EMS services.


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