The Pangman Daycare is welcoming donations of materials, equipment and furniture for our new facility!
The Daycare will be providing quality childcare for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children.
The following non-inclusive list is an idea of the items we require:
- shelves, free-standing and wall mount
- child and adult sized furniture (chairs, tables, couches, office furniture)
- CD players, digital cameras, computer, printer, copier, video camera
- baby monitor
- strollers and wagons
- art, craft, sewing and writing materials
- building blocks
- safe toys for babies and children
- dress up clothing and accessories
- items for make believe play
- items for physical play (ex: tricycles, push and pull toys, balance beams)
- puppets
- outdoor items (ex: sleds, shovels, garden tools, kites, playhouse, sprinklers)
- puzzles
- children’s books and music
- globe and maps
- overhead projector
- musical instruments
- equipment for sand and water play (ex: funnels, pails, measuring cups)
- outdoor play items
- woodworking furniture and tools
- fabric
If you would like more information or if you have any items that you wish to donate, please contact Elwood White at 442-2024.
Thank you so much for your assistance with this exciting project!