Estella and Richard Strobl’s grandson Kelly played on the Saskatchewan Provincial Rugby Team at the summer games held in Kamloops, BC in August 2011.
Saskatchewan won Silver at the summer games. The other Rugby teams at the games were from Alberta, Manitoba, and British Columbia.
Kelly is 15 years old and is playing on the 18 year old Saskatchewan Provincial Rugby team out of Saskatoon. He is in Grade 10 and currently attends Tom Collegiate in Regina. Kelly also plays soccer and football for Tom Collegiate during the school year. It was at one of his football games that he was scouted for the Rugby team and was asked to join them..
Check out more photos of the Summer Games in Kamloops, BC.
Estella advised that during a football game on September 15th Kelly broke his right femer in 3 places. He has a rod along side of the bone He will be out of school until end of October so his leg will heal correctly..