There was a great turn out for this year’s Ladies Night Out with 73 tickets sold. Everyone enjoyed the meal of Turkey, Ham and all the trimmings.
Joanne James who moved to Pangman in the spring of 2007 from England was this year’s guest speaker. She spoke about her life in England, her new home in Pangman and read two selections from her book which will be published soon.
Many thanks to Sharon, Val, Judy and Jackie for planning the Ladies Night Out. Also, many thanks to those who prepared the food, donated money and those who helped set up and tear down.
This year the Ladies Night Out raised over $1,000 which was donated to the New Kitchen Fund (Charity Farms), for the kitchen that will be built onto the Pangman School. This new kitchen will allow the community to have many more events like this one.
There were 48 prizes donated by local businesses and members of the community. You can view a complete list of those who donated prizes here.