On Friday, March 26th, the Pangman and Area Economic Develpment Board held their first annual meeting.
The Mission Statement for the Pangman and Area Economic Development Board is: To promote and support projects which will enhance our community and build for the future.
The Board’s Goals and Objectives are:
- to help create jobs
- to assist in developing a business and income for someone or group to make money
- to enhance the community
- to attract people to our town and additional investment into the community
- to give assistance to groups that are working to build community projects
The new executive of the board are:
- President – Merlin Broughton
- Vice-President – Eileen Tunall
- Secretary – Connie Lozinski
- Treasurer – Myra Jesse
It is also time to renew your membership in the Pangman and Area Economic Development Board. The cost of a membership is $10.00 per year.
If you would like to learn more about the Pangman and Area Economic Development Board, please join us our meetings. The Board meets the last Friday of every month. The next meeting will be April 30, 2010 at Kathy’s Place, Breakfast at 7:30, meeting at 8:00 a.m.
The Economic Development Board would also like to thank all those who have helped out the past 3 months with the Saturday morning breakfasts. Many hands make light work–and lots of fun!!!!!