The Pangman & District Economic Development Board held their annual meeting on Monday, March 30th, 2015. The new executive for 2015 were elected:
- Chairman – Ed Howse
- Vice-Chair – Haley Hatt
- Secretary – Linda Ledingham
- Treasurer – Eileen Tunall
Debra provided the board with the Website stats for last year. We had 8,436 visitors to the website, with 6,131 of these being new visitors to the site. We have had visitors from Canada, United States, Germany, United Kingdom and other countries. Debra has agreed to continue to maintain the website for the board. She asks that if anyone has a community event they are planning, to let her know and she will post it on the community calendar. Also, if you have photos or a story about a community event that has been held in town, please send it to her and she will post the story on the website.
Southern Prairie Railway will be stopping in Pangman during the Farmers Market on Saturday morning, starting on June 27th.
We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested feel free to come to one of our meeting. You can call Eileen at 306-442-2145 for more information about the Board.