The Ladies Auxiliary of the Deep South Personal Care Home would like to invite everybody to join them at thier monthly meetings the first Monday of the month at the home at 9:30 a.m. Our next meeting will be on October 5th.
At present the auxiliary is selling tickets on a Thanksgiving Hamper (tickets are 1 for$2 or 3 for$5). You can view the hamper and purchase tickets at Kathy’s Place. This hamper will hold everything you need for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
We also invite you to view the painting on display at the Radius Credit Union, Pangman Branch the next time you drop in. This painting will go to the highest bidder at the end of October and would make a great Christmas present!!
Do you have Canadian Tire money cluttering up your purse!! The auxiliary is collecting the money to be able to purchase small items needed at the Home. You can drop off you Canadian Tire Money at Kathy’s Place or the Pangman Co-op.