On Saturday, December 18th, the Economic Development Board hosted their second Market Mall of 2010 at the Community Centre.
There were a variety of items available for sale, including: handmade jewelery, quilts, stockings, books, vegetables, kitchen accessories and more. The Ladies Auxiliary sold baking and did the draw for their Christmas Basket. The 100 Year Celebration Committee had T-shirts, Hoodies, Aprons and pins for sale.
The Economic Development Board also served coffee, muffins and oranges and sold 50/50 tickets. As well, each vendor donated an item to give away as a door prize.
Our next Market Mall will be held on Saturday, January 22nd, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come and join us for coffee, visit with friends and check out the vendor’s tables.