Cornerstone Tomorrow

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Community Consultations – Invitation

The Board of Education of SECPSD invites you to participate in a consultation process. Your voice is important. Are you a parent, a grandparent, an uncle, a neighbour, a church member, a business owner, a community member, an employee, a student? Whomever you are, your voice is invited.

What is Cornerstone Tomorrow?

Cornerstone Tomorrow is a public consultation initiative through which the Board of Education is requesting input into future planning for the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.

How can you participate?

You may choose to attend one evening of a series of community engagement activities which will occur across the division and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to both learn about the current priorities and provide insight and feedback on their interests for the future education in SECPSD. Or, if you are unable to attend in person, you may choose to participate through a public survey which can be found on this page at a link that will open during the final week of January and the first week of February.

Online Community-Public Survey

The survey will be open from January 26 to and including February 5. Everyone who completes the survey is eligible for a draw for one of twenty $10 Tim Horton’s cards.


South East Cornerstone School Division thanks you for your participation.

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