Tuesday, Novemer 10th was a fairly nice day for the harvest to be reaped. The machines rolled into the yard of Ken and Joyce Kaufmann, stopped for a morning coffee break and then it was out to the field of flax. The 6 combines began their rounds in the field about 10:45 a.m. and were finished by 3:30 p.m. The grain wagon would pull up side a combine and the flax would be transferred to the wagon from the combine hopper and neither one stopped. This went on all day and it was quite an enjoyable sight. The grain wagon would then transfer the flax into a waiting grain truck and off to the bin it would go when full. The flax straw was then baled by 2 tractors and balers and by the end of the day a lot had been accomplished by many willing hands of help.
The day was a long awaited day and it came off very nicely. CTV came down and did a story which was aired on the CTV news on November 17th. Dan McIntosh was the reporter and did a fine job of presenting the Charity Farms project as a community fund raiser for the school improvements.
Combines were supplied by Brian Jesse, Lawrence Fellner, Harry Sheppard (driven by Stan Sheppard), Tim DeBruyne, Bryon Vermuellen and Brent Vermuellen. Jason Vermuellen supplied and drove tractor and grain cart, Wayne Colbow drove the grain truck supplied by Stan Doughty. Ken Kaufmann drove the grain truck provided by Tim DeBruyne. The semi was provided by Egypt Valley Farms and driven by Dan Madigan. Tractor and auger were supplied by Harry Sheppard.
Pre Harvest spraying was done by Dean Meyers of Minton.
Thanks to the Oasis Restaurant for donating meals for all volunteers, Ken and Joyce Kaufmann for providing morning coffee and lunch, Wayne and Connie Lozinsky for providing salad and desert and Pangman Coop for refreshments.
Also thanks to the R.M. of Norton, Grainbelt Agencies, Municipal Hail, Wray Hail and McQueen Hail and special thanks to Richardson Pioneer, Corinne, for their kind and generous donations.