Bridal Show & Mother’s Day Tea May 15, 2015

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On Friday, May 15, 2015 there was a Bridal Show followed by the Mother’s Day Tea held at the Deep South Personal Care Home.

At the Bridal Show models wore dresses from the 1920’s covering each decade up to 2000. Some of them were graciously loaned to us by Lorraine Iversen and the Ogema Museum.

Ruth Taylor was our M.C for the event.

A few of those dresses worn have a historical significance to this surrounding area are:

  • Mrs. Charlie Grainger’s dress
  • Mrs. Mary Martin’s
  • Mrs. Irene Leedy’s
  • Mrs. Marion Kearney’s
  • Mrs. Arlene Howse’s
  • Mrs. Candy Schwindt’s
  • Mrs. Ruth Taylor’s
  • Mrs. Lorraine Iversen’s
  • Mrs. Gail Stanton’s

The resident’s and guests enjoyed the show which was followed by an after noon tea and cake walk, sponsored by the Deep South Ladies Auxilliary.

Thank you to Heather Reaney for the photos and thank you to Sharna Bishop our hair dresser for doing several of our bride models hair.

Back Row ~ Michelle Ryan, Laura Palmer, Sarah Wiseman, Taylor McPhee, Marla McPhee, Candy Schwindt, Patti Klippenstine
Front Row Gail Stanton and our flower girl is Alyscia Ferozdin.

This article was submitted by Gail Stanton.

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