Below are some of the highlights from the April 2010 school newsletter.
- There will be a new High School Math curriculum next year. The Grade 10s will be taking two new match courses, replacing the current Math A10 and B10. In Grade 10 the two classes they will be taking are Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10 followed by Work Place and Apprenticeship 10.
- The Senior, Junior and Rookie badminton teams have begun practicing for the season. Miss Quigley is coaching the Junior and Rookie and Mr. Fowler is coaching the Senior Team. The badminton teams will travel to Weyburn and have a home match up with Ogema after the Easter break.
- Graduation is coming up on May 7th at the school. The grand march will be held at 9:00 p.m. in the gym. There are 3 grads this year, Tye Froh, Noel Muckalt and Chantel Colbow.
- Scrapbooking Club – April 19th – 3:10 to 5:00 p.m.
- Grades 1 to 8 will be attending a drama production in Ogema, leaving on the bus at 11:30 a.m. April 15th. Town students should bring lunch.
For more information about Pangman School be sure to visit the school website at