Once again it is time to reflect on some of the events and news that happened in the Village of Pangman in 2011.
- The Pangman Community Newsletter was launched.
- During the year work continued on the Water Treatment Plant.
- Market Mall was held every 3rd Saturday of the month from January until May.
- Pangman Library hosted a Diabetes Presentation at the Library on Tuesday,
January 25th. - Pangman Restaurant Building was sold by the Village.
- In February the Daycare buildings and the Community Kitchen building arrived.
- The Pangman Library hosted a Beginner Computer Class in February.
- In March Kathryn Aspen retired from the Radius Credit Union.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Deep South Personal Care Home was held in March.
- On April 7th the Pangman Co-op held its 75th Annual Meeting.
- Ladies Night Out was held on Thursday, April 14th.
- On April 27th, we had a local election for a Town Councillor and the winner was Bill Kerney.
- Jo’s Hair and Body Care Co opened in May, by appointment only.
- Kathy’s Place closed on April 29th.
- On Friday, May 6th, the Ladies Auxiliary hosted a Mother’s Day Tea.
- On Wednesday, May 11th the United Church hosted a soup, chili and pie lunch.
- Community Centre was painted in June.
- Farmer’s Market was held every Saturday from June 25th to October 1st.
- Main Street was paved in July.
- Hometown Cafe opened in July.
- United Church hosted a Big Muddy Tour in July.
- Pangman Daycare opened on July 25th.
- The Community Kitchen was opened in July,
- On Wednesday, July 27th, the 100 Year Celebration Kick Off Barbeque was held at the Pangman School Yard.
- On August 12th, 13th and 14th the100 Year Celebration was held.
- On Sept 6th the 4th Annual Pangman Charity Farms Harvest began.
- On September 23rd was the Grand Opening of the Pangman Daycare.
- The Pangman School open house was held on Tuesday, October 11th.
- In October Marilyn Doughty retired from the Radius Credit Union.
- A Harvest supper was held at the School on Saturday, October 22nd and was hosted by Charity Farms and the 100 Celebration Committee.
- The annual Pangman School Christmas Bazaar and Santa Day was held on Saturday, December 3rd at the school.
- On December 22nd, Global Regina were in Pangman doing a story on our current School Review by South East Cornerstone School Division.
- The Annual Sleigh Ride and Wiener Roast was held on Thursday, December 22nd.
- And much more.